Games are played on Friday nights at Municipal Gym in Balboa Park and Saturdays at Colina Del Sol Recreation Center. We play 2 twenty minute halves. Futsal Juniors play 2 fifteen minute halves. Teams consist of a minimum of 5 players.

If your child is new to futsal they can be added to one of our current teams. The coach for each team decides if they would like to have a practice during the week. Many coaches hold a practice once a week usually in the late afternoon or early evening. There is a uniform fee of $25 that includes a jersey, shorts and socks. Teams can wear their own uniforms if they would like. Shin guards and athletic shoes or flat soled indoor soccer shoes are required.

Cost: $170 per child for an 10-week session. In addition, a uniform fee of $25 includes a jersey, shorts and socks. The registration fee increases by $20 if you register after the deadline. Make sure to register on time because your child may not be guaranteed a spot as teams fill quickly.

Click here for SKA Code of Conduct 

Click here for SKA Futsal Rules

Click here for Coach and Parent Guide

FORFEIT RULE: If a team cannot attend a game and must forfeit, the coach or team captain must send an email to by 5 PM on the Thursday before the matchA $30 forfeit fee will be charged if a team does not notify SKA. If the fee is not paid, the team will forfeit the next game as well. 

The Financial Aid form is available HERE.

SKA does NOT offer refunds. Credit for any of our programs is available. Contact for credit request.